I'd like to welcome author Maggie Devine to Suspense, She writes. I met Maggie through the Still Moments Publishing writer's group.
First, tell us a little about yourself.
I grew up in Ontario and did my undergrad at The
University of Toronto and post graduate work at Leeds University in the UK. I
think my love for writing really bloomed when I lived in England. My mother is
from Liverpool and I have always loved the UK, we vacationed there a lot when I
was a child as some of my mum’s family still reside there. But living in
England while I was at school really brought the countryside into a whole new
light. Suddenly my history degree had more meaning, and my romantic sensibilities
exploded with each weekend venture I took with friends and family. A country so
steeped in history soon gave way to many ideas and stories, which I jotted down
upon napkins along the way and stray pieced of A4 (British version of
loose-leaf paper).
It wouldn't be until years later that I would find
the nerve to actually write my first full manuscript which is still sitting
somewhere at Mills & Boon in England in their editorial department.
Since submitting my first full-length book, I have
published four short-stories with Still Moments Publishing and have finished
another two full manuscripts - both unedited at the moment.
I am currently living in Vancouver, British Columbia
where I am involved with the Greater Vancouver Chapter of the Romance Writers
of America, and am working frantically to get all three manuscripts edited for
submission (and re-submission) so that I can start the other three stories I
have in the proverbial ‘hopper’.
As writers, we often become emotionally attached to our characters. Who
is your favorite hero you’ve ever written?
My favorite I would have to say is Shane Smith from
'The White Lion'. There is just something about his compassion for his
disgraced uncle that I find attractive. He is a successful businessman who grew
up in humble surroundings, but who also has a bit of an edge about him. Cocky
but not overtly arrogant, I think he is wonderful. Add to this the fact that he
is good to his mother and he is near perfect in my eyes.
Have you ever fallen in love with or had a crush on one of your heroes?
Tell us about him.
Ahhhh, Garrett Leatherby. You have not met him yet
but he is in my completed manuscript that is sitting at Mills & Boon. I
adore him because he is very much a philanthropist at heart. Like Shane from
the question above, he does not forget his humble roots now that he is a
Hollywood A-Lister and does a lot for those who are less fortunate in his own
city of L.A. He is tall, handsome, kind and has good family values. He is not
what you would expect which is why I adore him.
How do you develop your heroes? Do you imagine their personality or
their physical appearance first? Do they grow as personalities as you
write or do you do a character sketch before you type the first word?
hero’s usually grow off of a picture that I find first. I usually choose a
picture from a magazine, or a character from a TV show or movie I like. Garrett
Leatherby’s look in my manuscript, ‘Interior Accident’ is based on Josh
Holloway’s character called “Sawyer” from LOST. I have a few pictures of Josh
that were key to my description of Garrett. In one he is just coming out of the
water, shirtless of course, and he has two days of facial hair. In Garrett’s
opening scene he looks like Josh as Garrett has just finished filming a pirate
movie. The other two pictures I have, Josh Holloway is looking directly at the
camera with a cheeky grin, one with teeth showing the other close-mouthed. In
these two pictures you can see his jaw line, his dimples and the shape of his
nose and his full bottom lip. He is a sexy man and has the colouring and look that
I wanted for Garrett Leatherby. He is perfect.
I like to give my heroes a personality quirk, just so they aren’t too perfect.
Have you ever written a quirk for one of your heroes and what was it?
latest manuscript, which is less than 10,000 words away from being complete, is
a Historical Romance. Anton Avery is my hero. I wouldn’t say Anton has a quirk
as much as I would say he fancies himself all
in control and hard as nails. He is not amused by women at the moment, and
feels they are nothing more than a manipulative species out to trap him for
their own benefit. Though he thinks he hates them all and is bullish in his
ways, he is far from it in his heart. I would call him a steel-coated
marshmallow – that is his quirk.
How do you name your hero?
carefully. Based on where the story is set, I will research names and places
and come up with a few variations. In my latest manuscript, I chose Anton’s
last name of Avery based on an
English pirate, Henry Avery, who died in and around the late 1600’s. Anton Avery is a direct descendant one
hundred years later in my story and though his pirating ancestry does not play
a key role in the book, it gives rise to thoughts about who he really is and
where the family money really came from. I love to have a historical point to
proceed from, it helps me develop my characters personalities and my story
my latest story, which has been recently released by Still Moments Publishing,
called “MANATEE KEY” in Love’s A Beach, the name Adams is loosely related to a
historical family in the American Navy, but Bryce is a purely fictional
character, completely made up by myself and my imagination. It is nice however,
to be able to give Bryce a pedigree, it makes him seem more real to me that way
and hopefully to my readers as well.
Who is your favorite hero in books, movies, or television?
that is an easy one – Mr. Darcy from the BBC’s Pride and Prejudice. I love his
character in the book, and Collin Firth really brought Mr. Darcy to life on the
Who is your hero in real life?
I am without a hero but I have not given up hope – I am still taking
applications for leading man in ‘my life’.
Tell us about your most recent release and where we can find it. Who is
the hero and what do you like about him the most?
most recent release is called “MANATEE KEY” and it appears in the compilation
book entitled, “Life’s A Beach”. Bryce Adam’s is my hero in this story and he
is just plain hot. He is an ex-engineer in the Navy, not to mention a retired
Navy Seal – he is a high achiever – but is very much a relaxed at heart. He is
tall, blonde and blue eyed, and very athletic with a body that deserves to be
admired. He is also smitten with my heroine, Jade McIvor who has not had much
luck with men in the last few years. Bryce really has to work his magic to get
her to turn her head, and it proves tougher than he thinks.