
Happy #ReleaseDay to my friend, @ChantelRhondeau

Check out this exciting new release by romantic suspense author, Chantel Rhondeau.

Crime & Passion

Genre: Romantic suspense/mystery

Release date: March 15, 2013

Cover art done by LFD Designs for Authors

A decorated police officer, more intent on justice than following the letter of the law, lands in trouble when a schoolteacher finds a dead body on the beach.

Officer Donovan Andrews knows how to have a good time—ask any woman in town. But when it comes to men abusing their wives or children, Donovan takes it upon himself to make them regret it.

Madeline Scott is unlucky in love. All she wants is a quiet place to heal, away from cheating, womanizing men. However, her life is far from peaceful once she stumbles across the body and witnesses someone fleeing the scene.

Terror spreads in Pleasant View when the small community hears a killer is on the loose. All evidence points to Donovan, and he realizes someone is trying to frame him. When troubling suspicions from his past surface, even fellow officers believe he’s guilty. Madeline might be the only person who can clear his name, but first he has to win her trust.

The body count rises and no one is safe. The murderer makes it clear Madeline is next. Soon, Donovan’s whole world is focused on protecting her and keeping himself out of prison. The more time he spends with her, the harder it is to fight his growing attraction. Since she’s been burned by love, convincing Madeline he’s interested in something more than hot sex may prove harder than keeping her alive.

Read the first three chapters at Chantel’s blog: http://www.chantelrhondeau.com/2013/03/crime-passion-romantic-suspense-and.html

About the author:

Chantel once thought a great mystery or fantasy book with strong romantic themes was the highest level of reading bliss. After reading her first romantic suspense novel, she never looked back. Before long, the need to create her own stories took over. She spends her daytime in the clinical profession of medical transcriptionist, but her passion is in the blissful hours she spends with her characters in the evenings.

Chantel lives in the western United States. When she isn’t writing, she loves playing cards with her family and snuggling with her lazy kitties.

Want to connect with Chantel? You can find her here:

Want the book?

Amazon Kindle: http://amzn.to/Z24vsP
Amazon Paperback in Createspace Store: https://www.createspace.com/4160971
Barnes & Noble: http://bit.ly/Ys0lHs
All Romance eBooks: http://bit.ly/YnS2iX


Conversation With #MyMuse - Chocolate Seduction Edition

Image in Public Domain as a faithful reproduction
of a work of art in the public domain.
I’m not gonna lie, my muse has been good to me lately. I’ve started a new Work In Progress, and she has practically written the story for me. Sometimes I love her.

Then, there’s those other times when she’s being, shall we say, ornery. There have been a few occasions where no amount of pleading, cajoling, or threatening with lawsuits can motivate her to give up her ideas. Dang her, anyway.

I was chatting with my writer’s group yesterday and the subject of recalcitrant muses came up. Thank God I’m not the only writer who has a stubborn muse. I don’t feel so alone in the world.

So let’s just say I suggested seducing…um, enticing…or maybe luring her out of hiding…with chocolate. This has worked for me before.

This is how the conversation went:

Frustrated Writer (That’s me): Musth? * munch, munch * Where are ya musth?

Muse: * peeks head around corner * What? I can’t understand you. * eyes FW with suspicion * What’s that in your mouth?

FW: * hides wrapper behind back * Nothum…

Muse: Whadaya mean nothing? I can see the wrapper. Are you… Yes, you’re eating chocolate. And you weren’t going to share, were you?

FW: I domth know wha ya mean. * wipes mouth with back of sleeve *

Muse: Can I have a bite?

FW: Don’t be silly. Muses can’t eat.

Muse: The heck they can’t. Don’t be selfish and share your chocolate.

FW: * tilts head sideways * If I give you some chocolate, will you help me finish Chapter Three?

Muse: * snorts * I told you how to write that chapter already. But noooo…. You wouldn’t listen to my advice. You had to give your heroine a colon cleanse. What made you think her hero would want to hear about her experience? Erase the chapter and start over.

FW: Okay. You’re right, but how? Where do I go with it? Help me.

Muse: Give up the chocolate.

FW: * acts reluctant to hand it over, but smiles inwardly * Now, about Chapter Three…


Friday Four Fill In - 3.1.13

Each week, Hilary at www.feelingbeachie.com lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blog. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at Hilary(at)feelingbeachie(dot)com. If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Uttley from Uttley’s take – he came up with the last two statements! Hilary would LOVE it if you could please help her spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:
1. Sometimes I ___ I am ___
2. When I wear ___ I feel ____
3. When in doubt, _____________
4. The easiest way to ______________ is to ___________.

My Answers:
1. Sometimes I
 ate eat a whole box of tagalongs when I am…well, really, just because I want to
2. When I wear
 clothes I haven’t worn since before I lost weight, I feel sexy
3. When in doubt,
 I usual consider both the pros and the cons, and then go with my gut instinct
4. The easiest way
 to make me mad is to insult one of my children

Please add the Follow Friday button to your post, or your blog. Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-In Fun post to the linky below. PLEASE grab the linky and post on your blog…
If you
 tweet, please use #F5-bloghop so Hilary can find you…

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