

Certainty of Change

Plum(b) lines drift off center,
little by little, creating changes in the level
with slight variations from normalcy

Joy, fine stitches in quality garments
gathering family, faith and friends
like expected blessings in a rich life

Loss, a course pattern of thick, bright
yarn woven into the texture of existence
like aberrations in bulky sweaters

Pain, a shovel that digs deep into the
meaning of survival until it hits a root
like a hard stop in an endless progression of days

Hope, words written in the wind
with bold lettersexpressing anticipation
of joy, loss, and pain in the certainty of change

(c) Denise Moncrief 2012

Read more One Single Impression at

Read more Sunday Whirl at

Read more Theme Thursday


  1. Well wordled, Denise. An honest yet hopeful poem about the journey of life.

    - Traci B

  2. My first visit here perhaps.. Denise..but I enjoyed..indeed many words used powerfully.. just what Harshadji said . I have added two posts.. on OSI.. would love you to visit.. thanks..

  3. Wonderful weave of words...
    Good journey!

  4. First time here, and I like what I read here.The underlying sentiment comes out nicely.

  5. Excellent contribution, I'm glad you found us. As they say over at We Write Poems, more participants lead to richer soup. :)
    Brenda W

  6. As I come across a Wordle Entry -- I am always amazed how very creative poets are and what a gift it is to craft a piece that contains all the words, AND meets other prompts as well. Very nicely done!! Thanks for your visit ~~ Happy New Year!

  7. beautiful craft of words.
    they are full of colors and power.

  8. hope words written in the wind with bold letter...great the trip you took us through the emotions...

  9. Without hope and the certainty of change, what would we have to look forward to. So many thoughts you have woven for us to think about in this poem. I love writings that make us think.

    Thank you so much for playing in this weeks Theme Thursday. Hope to see you again with next weeks new theme.

    God bless.


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