

Thoughts On the New Year

As I was lying on my bed
with capricious thoughts swirling and spinning
in my head, keeping me from the
rest that spawns new dreams
I looked back so I could look forward

Glancing back on the old year
sentimentality tempted me
to view fondly my history
in a rearview mirror

Looking forward to the new year
practicality encouraged me
to prepare diligently for change
on a not-so-distant horizon

Struggling to reconcile what was with
what will be
Facing a future with challenges and
shifting priorities

Glimpsing success just around the corner
into the future
Tracing the faded outlines of hopes and dreams
born in the past

As I was lying on my bed
with capricious thoughts swirling and spinning
in my head, hoping the new year
gives new life to my dreams
I looked back so I could look forward

(c) Denise Moncrief 2011

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Read more Sunday Scribblings at


  1. It's certainly the time of year for retrospection AND hope.

  2. If only we all could learn from our past to enjoy life without making the same mistakes again.

  3. Yes, I have to admit even on a good day, my brain is capricious! Nice imagery, thank you.

  4. Nice word imagery used for reflection and resolutions ... Happy New Year ... may it be filled with exciting adventures and creativity.


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