

Follow Friday Four Fill In Fun Blog Hop - Week 203

Every week, Hilary at Feeling Beachie hosts a fun blog hop. She lists four statements with blanks to fill-in on her blog. Fill in the answers and post the statements to your own blog. This is fun way to get to know fellow bloggers.

Feeling Beachie

So here are the four statements this week and my answers:

1. Having too much cold weather, makes me want to hibernate.

2. When it is Friday, I get "Fridayitis".

3. Chocolate is the answer to all the world's problems (or least mine).

4. How do you feel after you take the first bite of your favorite comfort food?

If you'd like to participate in this fun hop, hop on over to Hilary's website at where she posts questions every Friday along with a blog hop sign up.

Have a great Friday and curl up with a good book!

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  1. Nice answers!!! And Fridayitis is in full swing in my house, everyone is off work or school except me... sigh.

  2. I love comfort food. :) I feel wonderful after that.

    I agree about the cold weather. I can't wait until it is warm.

    ENJOY your weekend, and thanks for stopping by my blog.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Follow Friday Four Fill-In

  3. I feel comforted after the first bite of comfort food


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