

Happy Thanksgiving!

My bird in progress!

On this bright, beautiful Thanksgiving Day I have much to be thankful for. I have my life and my liberty. Family, faith, and friends. A husband who loves me. Children who respect me. Sure I have a few problems and there will always be bumps in the highway of life, but today it seems selfish to dwell on what I don't have when there are those who are struggling to survive. In fact, it should seem selfish to dwell on my petty issues any day of the year when I've been blessed with so much. Don't get me wrong. I'm not wealthy or ultra successful. I've just come to a place in my life where I'm content with what I have. That might be the greatest blessing of all. To enjoy getting more from life rather than strive to get more in my life.

Lately, I've come to believe I need to trim the fat from my existence. No, not my from my ample body which could indeed afford to lose a few pounds. But from my busy everyday life. From the clutter around me. This coming year I want to focus on what is real, what is important, what makes life fuller and richer, not just for me but for everyone around me. I've spent too much time spinning my wheels on things that didn't matter in the long run.

Okay, this Thanksgiving, I'm in a thoughtful, sentimental mood. Please forgive me if I sound like a greeting card or the mushy ending to a Hallmark movie.

Here's a short poem I wrote some time ago. I think it fits my mood today.

Live Without Apology

Living is vital
beyond breathing

the small things
large things
in-between things

Happiness is fleeting


sweet things
hard things
mundane things

the moment
not forgetting the past
looking to the future
without apology

1 comment:

  1. Happy thanksgiving... focusing on what is real... that is my goal too... I learned a lot from this storm, and I hope that I can keep focused on what is real..thank you for being a great friend xoxo


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