

All About Heroes with Chantel Rhondeau

I'd like to welcome Chantel Rhondeau to Suspense, She Writes. Chantel and I met through the blogosphere. She's currently on a blog tour promoting her new book!

First, tell us a little about yourself.
I write romantic suspense novels. I like to write about issues that are important to my heart. Oh, I also enjoy sizzling love scenes and put those in my books as well.

As writers, we often become emotionally attached to our characters. Who is your favorite hero you’ve ever written?

Well, that is a hard question. I really love all the characters I write (even the bad guys) but I’m really enjoying writing the hero in my current WIP. Donovan is a very flawed man with lots of issues in his past. We are still figuring out what they all are so he can redeem himself.

Have you ever fallen in love with or had a crush on one of your heroes? Tell us about him.

Well, honestly, I wrote Zach in Always & Forever based on the type of man I’m attracted to. I’d have to say I have a bit of a crush on him.

How do you develop your heroes? Do you imagine their personality or their physical appearance first? Do they grow as personalities as you write or do you do a character sketch before you type the first word?

I like to have my heroes’ major personality and character traits sketched out before I start writing. Usually, I start with a secret, what one thing they wish to hide from the world. I build on that, figuring out what they look like, what their strengths are, and what their weaknesses are. Then, I flesh everything else out as I write.

I like to give my heroes a personality quirk, just so they aren’t too perfect. Have you ever written a quirk for one of your heroes and what was it?

I like my heroes to be a bit flawed. Zach is arrogant. He doesn’t mean to be, but he was born into money. It becomes a problem when that clashes with Lilly’s lower-class lifestyle. He does try to be helpful, but the poor guy doesn’t realize how he comes across sometimes, and tends to get himself into trouble.

How do you name your hero?

I find names I like and keep them on file. Then, when I start a new project, I figure out which name fits the personality I’ve imagined.

Who is your favorite hero in books, movies, or television?

Hmmm… funnily enough, I am totally in love with Eric Northman from Charlaine Harris’ Sookie Stackhouse books, but he’s a vampire and not always a nice guy. Since I’m usually attracted to beta males, it is surprising to me that I’m so impressed with him. And, if you’ve ever watched True Blood on HBO, based on those books, the actor playing Eric is very sexy!

Who is your hero in real life?

So many men to admire. This is tough. I’d have to say my son. He is so amazing. He’s going to be a police officer and just left to college.  He is a wonderful, compassionate person. I can’t say enough about that kid!

Tell us about your most recent release and where we can find it. Who is the hero and what do you like about him the most?

Always  & Forever is now available on Nook, Kindle, and as a paperback through Amazon.

Zach Woodbridge is trying to have a quiet summer writing his new novel, but his plans are thrown out the window when he meets his grandmother’s new assistant, Lilly Price. Zach has been hurt in the past and guards his heart against love, but he can’t deny the attraction he feels for Lilly. When a man from Lilly’s past returns and makes threats, Zach must do everything he can to protect the woman he loves. Zach is mostly beta male, but also has a backbone.  I love Zach most because he is a gentleman and strong enough to make a woman feel safe.

Always & Forever Book Blurb

A suspected murderess flees her former life in search of tranquility, but ghosts she left behind refuse to die, threatening to destroy her happiness.

Lilly Price is desperate to escape public scrutiny once released from her incarceration. She moves to a lakeside community in hopes of remaining anonymous while rebuilding her tattered life.

Widowed Zach Woodbridge is in no hurry to find a new bride. He longs for a peaceful summer, writing at his lakeside cottage. Things change after an introduction to his grandmother’s new assistant, Lilly.

When Lilly’s secrets are revealed, can their fragile relationship weather the storm?  And when a man from the past returns to reclaim Lilly, using any force necessary, can she and Zach protect the people they love?

CONTENT WARNING: Violence, mild language, sizzling love scenes.You can find Chantel's book at the following sites:

Chantel's links:

Tomorrow Chantel will be visiting Stefanie at Across the border. Click the link to follow her tour!


  1. Thank you so much, Denise, for having me here today. This was a really fun interview!

  2. Denise and Chantel, nice interview. My heroes are always imperfect, in fact they are more difficult to love than Chantel's, as she can attest.

    Chantel inspired me to try and write a nicer hero. Let's see if I succeed. But even then, I can't help but sneak in negatives.

    1. Oh, Rachelle, Dave turned out lovable :-) Though I am so excited about Lucas in your new WIP!


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