

#SixSunday 08.19.12

This week's selection is from my single short Eye of the Storm.

Before she could move, the door burst open and banged against the wall.
A man stood in the doorway, his image cast in bas-relief against the flash of lightning that shot through the haze behind him. Water dripped from the end of his nose. Blood leaked from a gash in his left cheek and trailed down his arm to his hands. Crimson covered the left side of his shirt. When he lurched forward, she bolted from the chair, dropping the book to the floor.

Here's the back cover blurb....

A storm blows in off the warm Gulf waters, promising to drench the coast with the first downpour of a very hot summer. Kieran retreats to the house as the deluge begins. Just as she gets comfortable with a good book, the door bursts open. Rain soaked and bloody, Davis Jackson falls through the doorway, cracking his head on the wood floor. He needs a hospital, but he doesn’t want the cops involved. She won’t tell him her story, and he won’t tell her his. Together, they must fight for their lives as a Category Three hurricane pummels the Florida Gulf coast.


  1. Oh, creepy entrance. You've definitely piqued my curiosity! I'm wondering who she is and what her reaction's going to be.

    Love the cover, BTW!

  2. Very evocative descriptions here and nice take on the "it was a dark and stormy night" trope. Great six, Denise!


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