

Even More #FridayStuff About Me - 0013

Each week, Hilary lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blog. If you want to join in on the fun and come up with four fill-in’s of your own, please email them to her at If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Leslie from Time Out for Mom (she came up with the last two statements).

Hilary would LOVE if you could please help her spread the word about this hop…So please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to you post…

This week’s statements:

11.    I love to _stay up late_____but I hate to __get up the next morning_____.

22.    _Getting hugs from my children_____ makes a day better.

33.    They (my loving family) didn’t think I could _go a whole day without my Mac______ but I __did______. 

44.    Warning: _Don't try to talk to me in the morning until I've had my first cup of coffee________.

Please add the Follow Friday button to your post or your blog.

Please link your Follow Friday Four Fill-in Fun post to the linky below. Please grab the linky and post on your blog…


  1. Coffee is the best in the morning. I was disappointed with the coffee on my cruise so it started my day badly.

    1. I can't function without a good cup of coffee in the morning! I've found airplane coffee is the worst!

  2. I believe that instead of blood, I have coffee running through my veins. I simply do not function without it but hey, there's lots worse things out there that I could be addicted to, right?

    1. Agreed. There are definitely a lot worse things to be addicted to.

  3. totally agree with #1!

  4. I'm so with you on #1! Have a great weekend!

  5. I am also a night owl and I dislike mornings! I think my warning should have been not to talk to me in the morning at all. :)

  6. I am so so a night owl too. And a much better writer when the house is quiet and still. but that does not suit a home where the children don't sleep in. ever.
    So so agree with #4 too. all conversation should be outlawed before 10 am and a second cup of coffee. honestly, we call ourselves civilized! :)

  7. #1 is so true. I feel exactly the same way. I guess I'm not as young as I used to be. 4 hours of sleep just doesn't cut it anymore! LOL

  8. I long for the days where I could stay up all night and still be fresh in the Am.... youth...

  9. I love late nights on the mac but hate the mornings afterwards blurry eyed and all sometimes coffee fixes it other times it makes me a blurry eyed rambler. Hugs are the best!! Have a great weekend full of ((hugs))


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