

All About Heroes - Interview With Carmen DeSousa

I'm excited to have Carmen DeSousa here on Suspense, She Writes today. I met Carmen through Triberr, and I am sure she will become one of my closest writing friends.

First, tell us a little about yourself.

My books are sensual but not erotic, gripping but not graphic, and filled with romance, mystery, and suspense.

As writers, we often become emotionally attached to our characters. Who is your favorite hero you’ve ever written?

I tend to fall in love with the character I am working with personally, and right now that would be Chad from Land of the Noonday Sun.

Have you ever fallen in love with or had a crush on one of your heroes? Tell us about him.

I pretty much love them all while I’m writing them, but I think my publisher has a crush on the new character mentioned above, Chad.

How do you develop your heroes? Do you imagine their personality or their physical appearance first? Do they grow as personalities as you write or do you do a character sketch before you type the first word?

I’m a pantser in every term of the word. I start with just an idea and build from there. I’ve literally started a book in the middle and then went back to the beginning and filled in the missing pieces.

I like to give my heroes a personality quirk, just so they aren’t too perfect. Have you ever written a quirk for one of your heroes and what was it?

Oh, my heroes are full of quirks. I love both of my male and female protagonists to have deep-seated issues. I have previous addicts, anger management issues, abused emotionally and physically, suicidal, shall I go on? There’s not a subject I’m afraid to tackle, and believe me; in my four books publishing this year, I systematically take on all issues.

How do you name your hero?

I do a lot of research, but more importantly, I try to come up with a name of someone I don’t know. 

Who is your favorite hero in books, movies, or television?

Don’t laugh…I really like Edward…do I have to elaborate and embarrass myself?

Who is your hero in real life?

Hands down that would be my husband. I don’t want to make anyone gag by being mushy, so let’s just say, I couldn’t write my stories if I didn’t believe in “Happily Ever Afters” that my husband made believable.

Tell us about your most recent release and where we can find it. Who is the hero and what do you like about him the most?

My new novel, Land of the Noonday Sun, releases this week.

The hero is a man with a traumatic past who has turned his life around and is happy with his chosen career as a whitewater guide. Everything changes though when fate hurls a woman into his path. His carefree life is in turmoil, and his former weaknesses threaten to overtake him. When tragedy strikes and he is once again in danger of losing everything he loves, he must be strong enough to overcome his past demons.

That sounds like an interesting premise. I love whitewater rafting. I will surely be one of the first to purchase Land of the Noonday Sun.

You can find Carmen at the following sites:

You can purchase Carmen's books at the following links:

In celebration of her new release, you can purchase She Belongs to Me from Amazon for .99

Coming Soon - Land of the Noonday Sun - Read more here.

Readers, want a FREE copy of Carmen's new book on the day it releases! Click here to find out how.


  1. Thank you, Denise, for allowing me to share my hero with you. I really enjoyed my visit with you.

  2. Nice insight into your development of your heroes. As a writer, I must agree, falling in love with the men you write is too easy to do! After all, he's not only your heroine's fantasy, in some ways he's ours, too!

    LOL, on the Edward comment, I'm an Jacob girl myself!

    Now as a reader, I have to say I loved She Belongs to Me! And having had the privilege of beta reading Land of the Noonday Sun, I can assure readers they WILL be intrigued, romanced, and pleased with this book! Congratulations in advance!

    1. Thank you, MJ! So sweet of you to say. I'm so excited. Final read-through is tomorrow and then it's off to publish, if all goes well. Of course, whatever does? If things were easy, we wouldn't have so much fun writing.


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