

Sunshine Blog Award

April 24, 2012

I was so excited to see that I had received a blog award:

Thank you, Lady Bren, for passing this award along.
The rules for this challenge include answering the following questions:
  1. Favorite color-  Red 
  2. Favorite Animal-  Well, I have one very chubby cocker spaniel whose name is Indiana. Is that too specific?
  3. Favorite number – 1017, for so many reasons
  4. Favorite non-alcoholic drink -  Coffee
  5. Facebook or Twitter – Twitter
  6. My passion – Writing 
  7. Getting or giving presents - Ah, that's a toss up. I love the look on someone's face when I've given a gift they love, but on the other hand, I love receiving a thoughtful gift as well.
  8. Favorite Pattern- Wow, I don't know that I have one. Never thought about it.
  9. Favorite day of week – Saturday. I love sleeping late.
  10. Favorite flower - Yellow roses
5 Blogs I am passing this award onto:


  1. thanks Denise... I'll incorporate it this weekend into a post somehow!

  2. Congratulations to you for receiving this wonderful award ... and also thank you for passing it on to me. I actually came over this morning to write this comment and was stunned to see my "From The Sol" on you list of blogs you were passing on to. I set out to answer the questions, then had to leave for awhile and when I came back, my computer was doing an upgrade for two hours. The story doesn't end there, but suffice to say ... I am thrilled and I am posting my award now. Thank you, Thank you ... Andrea

  3. Denise - thank you so much for this award... i really appreciate it, and I love the name! Patern...that is a hard question!


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