

Some #FridayStuff About Me #7

Each week, Hilary at feeling beachie lists four statements with a blank for you to fill in on your own blogs. If you want to join the fun and come up with four fill in’s of your own, please email them to her at If she uses them, she will add you as co-host to the hop! This week’s co-host is Beth Ann from It's Just Life. She would LOVE it if you could please help her spread the word about this hop…. So, please tweet, FaceBook share, and add the linky to your post…

This week’s statements:

1.  I never _forget to make reservations__ when I _travel__. Got stuck in Hallettsville, Texas without a reservation one time. Who would have thought you would need one there? Ended up sleeping in a no-tell motel one night. Very sketchy.

2.  I used to _worry about things_but I stopped. Worry changes nothing.

3. My favorite picture of all time is of __a picture I took when my children were little. Their faces are close together and they look so much alike. I always smile when I see that picture___.

4. When it gets dark I think about ___sleep____________.

 Read more Friday Fun at Feeling Beachie


  1. I try to make a reservation, even if it's while I'm traveling, before lunch time. I just need to know that I have someplace to sleep that night so I can enjoy the day.

  2. LOL on #1... and #4. I would love to see that picture. New follower, by the way, will be back :)

  3. Could you teach me the no worrying trick? I can't seem to get that one down. And #4 made me laugh! :)

  4. We made the mistake of "just keep going" one time when travelling with our firstborn. when we finally were too tired, and he was too cranky to go any further, we were on a stretch of highway up north that was just one Native Reservation after another. Which is fantastic to see...unless what you really need is a Hilton. LOL
    Now, we book.

  5. Thinking about sleep in the dark? Me, too!

  6. I used to be a worrier, but now not so much...

  7. you know the serenity prayer? That one got me to stop worrying... not point!!

  8. I am an over planner (1) because I worry (4) about not planning enough :} new follower here, congrats on the award I'll be stopping back..


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