

Conversations With #MyMuse - 0001

An Ode to My Muse

Where do the words come from
That express my life
My hope
The essence of me
That my soul spits out
Not sensible but making
oh so much sense

Not so much as joy and
Fleeting moments of happiness
Wrapped up in relationships and
Memories and
I don't want my life to be over

I want to live for the now
And for the future
And I want my words to flow
To tell stories of my essence
To betray the existence of my soul
With reckless abandon

Where do the words go
When they leave my mind
Do they frolic and
And cavort with intent
So that a piece of me
Makes oh so much
Sense to another

I wrote this in honor of my muse, who sometimes pushes nonsense through my fingertips…and hopefully, sometimes whispers in my ear a few things that are worth pondering.



  1. A lovely muse.
    RYN: The piece was written as the hopes seen through a child's eyes, of wishes and fairies and magic in the world. Not as an adult. :)
    Thanks for the visit.

  2. I am glad that you are writing your words, listening to your muse. They do tell the story of one's essence if one listens and continues to write. Your poetry IS you! I enjoyed this.

  3. Much respect to your muse and you for this frank poem. There the bit where you seem to be trying to tell your muse what you wish to accomplish and instead it seems to go off in some direction it wants (and the muse does that). And which you follow up to ask and wonder how it works. Interesting and can relate to wondering at one's muse. Thanks for sharing this.

  4. My muse speaks and I write, wondering where it is coming from. Your clarity is eye opening. Enjoyed this fully. Thank you ...

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  5. Lovely........worth pondering for sure:)

  6. this entertained and amused me. I wrote of the words this week, too! Synchronicity!

  7. I've been wanting to start a series of poems to my muse, and am currently stuck on what to name here! Having said that, it was a pleasure to be a fly on the wall, as it were, on your own conversation, and to see where it led. Fascinating insight!

  8. Yes, let us listen to the muse and write what he or she says. I think you have a good idea of your inspiration...let your pen write the words ~

  9. Sometimes I want to kick my muses ass....but mostly, she just whispers in my ear and when I start to write, tells me how good my glasses look. Loved this.

  10. I listen to my muse and write her whispers releasing them to be interpreted however led by the this piece

  11. Sometimes I wish I could sit down and have a heart-to-heart with my muse, too.

  12. fleeting moments of happiness... caught for eternity in a poem. :)


Thank you for leaving your comments. I love hearing from my readers and appreciate the feedback.