

#SatRehash - Favorite Posts WE03-17-12

Over the past few weeks, I've made some wonderful new blogging/twitter/triberr friends. I wanted to share a few of my favorite blog posts from around the blogosphere this week.

Kimberly T Matthew @KimberlysTips

This is a very amusing blog post about Kimberly's love/hate relationship with junk food. I think a lot of us, especially women, have cheated with junk food. She's promised to renew her relationship with real food. I think I will, too.

Greta van der Rol @GretavdR

Greta blogs about the difficulty writers sometimes have when rereading a favorite book after taking writing classes and participating in critique groups. Is writing in the omniscient point of view really so bad? If you are a writer, can you read a book with obvious head hopping and not cringe?

Shay Fabbro @ShayFabbro

Shay loves the new Star Trek movie, and so do I.  As a unapologetic Trekkie, I was prepared to dislike the new Star Trek, but I loved it! I can't wait for the sequel. And I have a crush on Chris Pine.

Hilary @feelingbeachie

I have new friend. This week I discovered Hilary and I have a lot in common. She has a fabulous blog hop that she hosts every Friday. Please check it out. Every week she posts four questions and invites hoppers to answer them. It's a great way to get to know other bloggers.

That's this week's Saturday Rehash. See you around the blogosphere!

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