

Itchy Mind

IBloodroot by Amy Greene, Byrdie Lamb says, “The soles of my feet used to itch at night and Myrtle claimed it meant my feet would walk one day on foreign ground.” When I was young, my feet would itch like crazy. I didn’t know why then, but I’ve come to understand my allergies had a lot to do with it. Though as a metaphor, the thought works. I guess I’ve always had the itch to go places I’ve never been.

I’ve been on foreign soil three times in my life. My husband and I went to Ixtapa, Mexico on our honeymoon. That was many, many years ago. A hurricane blew through there a few years after we married and cracked the resort we stayed in right down the middle. I haven’t had the itch to go back there again.

Then, a few years later, we took a cruise. The only port of call was Nassau in the Bahamas. This should have been a nice, little duty-free adventure, but our timing was priceless as usual, and the good shops were closed for Good Friday. Funny, I’ve never had the urge to go back there either.

When I was just a little thing, I had a Viewmaster. It looked a lot like a pair of binoculars. There were slides that you pushed into a slot and a lever that turned the slide, so you could view different pictures through the eyeholes. My favorite slide was one of Mt. Rainier National Park in Washington State. Perhaps my second favorite was one of Victoria, British Columbia, in Canada. A few years ago, my family flew to the Pacific Northwest and then we took a ferry to Victoria. It was a dream come true, because I always wanted to see those scenes that were on my Viewmaster. I cried. Yeah, I want to go back to Mt. Rainier.

I’ve always wondered what it would be like to live somewhere else with another life, different circumstances. My daydreams have been awesome. I guess that’s why I write, to get all that daydreaming about other places and other situations out of my system. Don’t get me wrong. I love my life, right where I’m at with the people I’m with. But writing gives me an outlet for my overactive imagination.

I think it’s no coincidence my first published story is set in Washington State. Snow White and the Seven Dogs is set in the heart of apple country near Yakima. Yeah, I went back there in my mind. Maybe it’s not itchy feet, but an itchy mind I have.


  1. The world is a beautiful place. Even if I know I live in the best country in the world it's nice to see other places if only to reinforce my conviction. But the only way I can ever get to the stars is in books.

    1. I would love to visit your patch of earth. I've always wanted to go to Australia. My father was stationed there during WWII. I loved to listen to him tell stories from his time there. I guess seeing Australia is one of my itches.

  2. I have the luxury of seeing Mt Ranier any time I want of course, I want to travel to other places. Actually, right now I'd try any place where the sun was shining!

    1. It is raining here, too. My next story is set in St. Lucia. Maybe my itchy feet will take me there...

  3. I got to travel and see the world as I grew up. My dad was in the Air Force. There are some place I would go back to but most I would say never mind. I scuba dive and travel a few times each year, but mostly to the Keys. I love my good old US of A.

    1. I've never been to the Keys. Sounds like a place I need to add to my "itchy" list.


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