

In the Moment

watching her
caught in the moment
a transforming smile
rising up from the
depths of her soul
bubbling over
real joy gurgling from
a deep well
spring of living water
laughter, refreshing and pure
flowing freely
covering those around her
caught in the moment
of watching her
share her joy
in the moment
Read more Theme Thursday at


  1. Pretty good Denise! I wish I could keep a rhythm like this -_-

  2. I have so much respect for people who can write poetry. This was wonderful. :0)

  3. It is funny in that you have so perfectly described how we feel when we are watching our youngest grand baby. She smiles at us and she has such a transforming smile that just brings love and joy to your heart and soul. Her whole face lights up with the joy inside of her.

    Happy Theme Thursday. Thanks for sharing such a delightful poem with us.

    God bless.


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