

Watch the Patterns

Watch the patterns
Slipping and twisting and sliding
Warp and weave of life

Embrace the predictable
Steady and comfy and easy
Rhythm and pace of peace

Enter the unexpected
Abrasive and invasive and persuasive
Hammer and chisel of change

Watch the patterns
Pleading and tweaking and kneading
Twists and turns of life


  1. Hammer and chisel of change... I love that line.

  2. Pleading and tweaking and kneading? I often suffer that at the hands of my ADA! LOL

  3. "Watch the patterns
    Pleading and tweaking and kneading
    Twists and turns of life"

    That sums up life and the finish product is what we make of it :-) Cheers.

  4. Really awesome poem about living in comfort and how the very fabric of our lives is changed when something unexpected comes up and that just when we don't think we'll be able to handle it, we find we've very seamlessly added it to our life's fabric. Very good and an enjoyable read. Blessings.


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