

Thirteen 5-7-5

Human Volcano

tiptoe around me
don’t be loud, I might erupt
Human volcano

Heartbreak Waterfall

raindrops form tears that
puddle around the remains
Heartbreak waterfall

Midnight Serenade

no one gets much sleep
dad saws logs while mom calls hogs
Symphony of Sound


doubt accumulates
unkind words dissolve spirit
fragile like snow flakes

Bitterness Erupts

negative feelings
break through the tranquil surface
Bitterness erupts

Spirit Abrasion

indulgence in hate
like sands blown across the heart
abrades the spirit

Mimosa Memories

rain of floating pink
covers childhood with laughter
Mimosa shower

Random Words

Random words flutter
Through the corners of my mind
Cling to my psyche

No Light

looking in or out
life viewed through a darkened veil
Finds no light of peace

Bitter Disease

a bitter disease
jealousy invades the heart
Stealthy virus

Consuming Avarice

grabbing with both hands
the poison that suckles life
Avarice consumes

Edge of Desire

flesh driven to the
edge of sensuality
Obsessed by desire

Consumed by Excess

pushing past enough
going beyond point of need
Consumed with excess

Read more Thursday Thirteen at


  1. Nice work. I like Random Words & Mimosa Memories the best.

  2. Tour de force. I like Bitter Disease best.

  3. Those are all very good - I can very rarely write one or two of those that I like, let alone that many - bravo :)

    My Thursday Thirteen
    To Kill a Mockingbird Blu Ray Giveaway


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