

Wake Up Sleeping Beauty


Wake up, my sleeping beauty
Not all dreams are crushed by the uncaring
Nor all hopes dashed

Forget him, your prince not charming
Not all dreams are denied a happy ending
Nor every wish unfulfilled

Did the glass slipper fit?
Did the soft kiss awaken?
Did the knight's armor shine?

Or did the coward sneak out the back door?
Did the glitter diminish?
Did the prince turn into a dragon?

Write again, my sweet lyricist
Not all music is inspired by unrequited love
Nor all words empty

Seek the truer heart
Dream the better dream
Write the sweeter song

(c) Denise Moncrief 2011

Read more Sunday Scribblings at


  1. So full of hope! I really enjoyed reading this!

  2. A hopeful poem I adore and am vicariously dedicating to my younger self :)


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